Prazsky squat Milada vyklizi najata soukroma bezpecnostni sluzba Prague Security Group. Zamestnanci teto spolecnosti ozbrojeni slzotvornymi granaty a zeleznymi tycemi za prihlizeni policie vtrhli dnes rano do objektu Milady a zamerili se predevsim na niceni oken a majetku squatteru. Prague Security Group je znama tim, ze v jejich radach najdeme velke mnozstvi neonacistu, o cemz ostatne svedci napisy typu Thor Steinar na trickach jejich zamestnancu podilejicich se na utoku na Miladu.
Do minuleho tydne byl zamestancem Prague Security Group napriklad i Michal Sykora, prezdivany Vojak, ktery se "proslavil" napriklad tim, ze jako utocnik na antifasisticky koncert v klubu Modra vopice ve Vysocanech rozdrtil v roce 2007 sestnactilete divce uderem basebalovou palkou dolni celist a dalsimi nasilnymi utoky. Michal Sykora se utoku na Miladu nicmene nezucastnil. Od minuleho tydne je stihan za pokus o rasove motivovanou vrazdu cloveka pochazejiciho ze Sri Lanky a v soucasne dobe je umisten ve vazbe.
O-ton jednoho squatera ze strechy>
Zásah bezpečností agentury Securitas začal kolem deváté ráno a nelegální obyvatele vily Milada zaskočila jeho tvrdost: u dveří se ozýval zvuk rozbrušovaček. Zaměstnanci agentury už za chvíli vzali budovu útokem. "Naběhla sem skupina holých lebek a řvali na nás, že jsme cikáni a že půjdeme do plynu," popisuje Volek. Se šesti squattery utekl před černými šerify na střechu. Po cestě ještě sebrali zásoby, které měli pro případ nouze připraveny. Proviant by je měl na střeše udržet dva týdny, což se nejspíš nepovede.
úterý 30. června 2009
neděle 28. června 2009
Urban Art Clash 2009
sobota 27. června 2009
DaSkaSoundcrew presents> THE NAVIGATORS - Rely On
NAVIGATORS - RELY ON from Navigators on Vimeo.
Navigators official music video 2009
Starlite productions
Directed by Petr Němeček
Camera: Jan Cibulka
Production: Jan Hlavsa, Petr Keller ¨
Shoot in Barrandov Film Studios in Prague, Czech Republic in 2009
pátek 26. června 2009
Funky Bunch Jam putuje do druheho kola!!! Do Prahy miri duo berlínských showmanů DJ Mitch Al!ve & Alesh One. Vystoupení těchto hudebníků vyniká neuvěřitelně zábavnými mixy funky pecek 70. let, soulu a rapu z 80. let, které prokládají skvělým scratchingem. Jako host se predstavi taky MC TRIX (UK)!
Alesh One je spojen s hip hopovou scénou již od roku 1983. Delší dobu žil v Německu, kde studoval komunikační design a writing. Stal se jedním z prvních graffiti-writerů v bývalém ČSSR a podílel se na založení EGU – Evropské Graffiti Unie. Právě v Německu se seznamuje s hudebními styly jak je funk, soul a reggae. V roce 2005 se vrátil do Prahy, kde pořádal své první akce v klubu Roxy, Rock Café a pravidelně hostoval na akcích v ČR i zahraničí. Od roku 2008 žije Alesh v Berlíně, kde hraje v klubech CCCP Club, White Trash a Bohannon.
Vedle hudby se tento všestranný umělec věnuje také videu a animacím. Natočil např. hudební klipy pro kapely Goethes Erben, Reimheitsgebot, Die Unendlichen Gedichte (dnes NOSLIW), atd, a podepisuje se také pod hudební klip slovenské zpěvačky TINA a reklamní spot pro T-Music. Publikuje na webzinu věnovanému reggae a urban music.
Mitch Al!ve: Tento německý DJ stojí za hudební skupinou Funkstation, kterou spolu s ním tvoří Mr.Pietsch (saxofon) a Andreas Höppner (basa). Jejich vystoupení je založené na kombinaci moderní produkce z gramofonů a klasických hudebních nástrojů. Na akci FUNKY BUNCH JAM Vol.2 předvede DJ Mitch Al!ve spolu s Aleshem One zábavnou hudební show. Ze svých djských kufrů vytáhnou nesmrtelné funk skladby, na které se bavili už naši rodiče. Vše kombinují s dalšími styly a okoření originálním scratchingem, a to vše naservírují takovým způsobem, že na jejich vystoupení jen tak nezapomenete.
Alesh One je spojen s hip hopovou scénou již od roku 1983. Delší dobu žil v Německu, kde studoval komunikační design a writing. Stal se jedním z prvních graffiti-writerů v bývalém ČSSR a podílel se na založení EGU – Evropské Graffiti Unie. Právě v Německu se seznamuje s hudebními styly jak je funk, soul a reggae. V roce 2005 se vrátil do Prahy, kde pořádal své první akce v klubu Roxy, Rock Café a pravidelně hostoval na akcích v ČR i zahraničí. Od roku 2008 žije Alesh v Berlíně, kde hraje v klubech CCCP Club, White Trash a Bohannon.
Vedle hudby se tento všestranný umělec věnuje také videu a animacím. Natočil např. hudební klipy pro kapely Goethes Erben, Reimheitsgebot, Die Unendlichen Gedichte (dnes NOSLIW), atd, a podepisuje se také pod hudební klip slovenské zpěvačky TINA a reklamní spot pro T-Music. Publikuje na webzinu věnovanému reggae a urban music.
Mitch Al!ve: Tento německý DJ stojí za hudební skupinou Funkstation, kterou spolu s ním tvoří Mr.Pietsch (saxofon) a Andreas Höppner (basa). Jejich vystoupení je založené na kombinaci moderní produkce z gramofonů a klasických hudebních nástrojů. Na akci FUNKY BUNCH JAM Vol.2 předvede DJ Mitch Al!ve spolu s Aleshem One zábavnou hudební show. Ze svých djských kufrů vytáhnou nesmrtelné funk skladby, na které se bavili už naši rodiče. Vše kombinují s dalšími styly a okoření originálním scratchingem, a to vše naservírují takovým způsobem, že na jejich vystoupení jen tak nezapomenete.
FUNKY BUNCH JAM Pt.3 with Max & Spence (NYC)
Do 20ti gramů nadrcenného funku přimícháme 60 ml dobře proleženého hip-hopu a 5 gramů nastrouhaného popu. Za stálého míchání celou směs přelejeme do tzv. krabice (angl. boxu) a 84 minut do této krabice tlučeme (angl. beatujeme) basovou kytarou. Když je směs pořádně rozšmelcovaná, necháme polotovar odstát, dokud nezačne vydávat podivné rytmické zvuky. Když už je beat slušně rozjetý, přidáme tři usušené chill-outy a špetku latiny a směs důkladně promícháme houslema...
Mate se na co tesit!!! Na FUNKY BUNCH Vol.3 totiž přijali pozvání Max & Spence, známí také jako Bonnie & Clyde nebo BryantK & Natasha Diggs. Partnerské a DJské duo z New Yorku patří k tomu nejlepšímu, co můžete mít, když chcete na party groove music. Hip hop, funk, soul, electro, osmdesátky, starý disco, prostě všechno, co šlape a nenechá sedět.

Mate se na co tesit!!! Na FUNKY BUNCH Vol.3 totiž přijali pozvání Max & Spence, známí také jako Bonnie & Clyde nebo BryantK & Natasha Diggs. Partnerské a DJské duo z New Yorku patří k tomu nejlepšímu, co můžete mít, když chcete na party groove music. Hip hop, funk, soul, electro, osmdesátky, starý disco, prostě všechno, co šlape a nenechá sedět.
01. - 31. Juli 2009
URBAN AFFAIRS extended präsentiert in seiner zweiten Auflage eine internationale Auswahl zeitgenössischer Urban Art und Streetart Positionen. Dem Motto der urbanen Affäre folgend, sind in diesem Jahr zahlreiche externe künstlerische Projekte und Institutionen eingeladen, sich auf gut 2.000 qm im neuen Berliner Kunstzentrum, dem STATTBAD in Wedding zu präsentieren.
Der Fokus liegt auf der Präsentation von Urban Art und Streetart in einem zeitgenössischen Kunstkontext, unter Einbindung von interaktiven Performances, räumlichen Installationen und Kunstaktionen im öffentlichen Raum. Das Festival bringt eine junge Künstlergeneration zusammen, die seit vielen Jahren einen neuen künstlerischen Weg eingeschlagen hat.
01. - 31. Juli 2009
URBAN AFFAIRS extended präsentiert in seiner zweiten Auflage eine internationale Auswahl zeitgenössischer Urban Art und Streetart Positionen. Dem Motto der urbanen Affäre folgend, sind in diesem Jahr zahlreiche externe künstlerische Projekte und Institutionen eingeladen, sich auf gut 2.000 qm im neuen Berliner Kunstzentrum, dem STATTBAD in Wedding zu präsentieren.
Der Fokus liegt auf der Präsentation von Urban Art und Streetart in einem zeitgenössischen Kunstkontext, unter Einbindung von interaktiven Performances, räumlichen Installationen und Kunstaktionen im öffentlichen Raum. Das Festival bringt eine junge Künstlergeneration zusammen, die seit vielen Jahren einen neuen künstlerischen Weg eingeschlagen hat.
Party Highlights Juni 2009
HHV.DE Selected Store Party
powered by Acrylick, Akomplice, Durkl, In4mation, Mishka, Stil vor Talent & Ucon
Do. 2.7.09 Berlin, Berhain Kantine, 22 Uhr
Live: Erich Lesovsky (Stil vor Talent)
DJs: Chroma, Inexcess, David August (Stil vor Talent), Rave & Donald (, Geroe (HHV.DE Selected Store), Mihau
WEMOTO Graphic Exibition – Vernissage
Mi. 1.7.09 Berlin, HHV.DE Selected Store, 18 Uhr
Das Mainzer Fashion-Label kommt mit einer Ausstellung seiner liebsten T-Shirt-Graphics nach Berlin zu uns in den Store in der Revaler Str. 9. Zur Vernissage am 1.7. ab 18 Uhr werden die Macher hinter den Grafiken auch persönlich anwesend sein. The Smells sorgen hinter den Decks für elektronisches aus den Boxen und natürlich gibt es auch kühle Getränke und das eine oder andere Häppchen für euch!
Hip Hop-Culture & Street Arts Festival, Graz
"Hip Hop ist wesentlich mehr als nur eine Musikrichtung..." – seit 2006
stellt Four Elements diese These eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Ob Rap, DJing,
Graffiti oder Breakdance, vom 2. bis zum 5. Juli wird auch dieses Jahr mit
einem anspruchsvollen sowie unterhaltsamen Programm an fünf Locations
das Ineinandergreifen und Zusammenspiel der ursprünglichen Elemente der
Hip Hop-Kultur von über 120 Künstlern anschaulich gemacht.
Auszüge aus dem Lineup
Rap & DJing:
Kid Koala (CAN), TY (UK), AraByrd (MAL), Al Haca feat. Cee & Lil Monsta
(D/ESP/BRA), Fiva MC (D), Phekt (A), Jackmaster (UK) & many more.
Graffiti & Street Art:
Knox (USA), Tiki Jay (USA), Space11:34 (USA), B One (I), Fefe Talavera
(BRA), Bigups (A), Bande (A), Atzgerei (A), Ifos (A) & many more.
Breakdance & Workshops:
Flying Steps (GER), Recognize Crew (SRB), The Rock (SLO), 24-7 (A) &
many more.
Movies & Discussions:
"Bling: A Planet Rock" (USA/SLE), "Zenji Flava" (TAN), "The Lyfe" (USA), "New Voices – Hip Hop as the voice of a new generation" (KEN/UGA), "KRS One: Hip Hop Beyond Entertainment" (USA) & many more.
Mehr Details findest du unter
powered by Acrylick, Akomplice, Durkl, In4mation, Mishka, Stil vor Talent & Ucon
Do. 2.7.09 Berlin, Berhain Kantine, 22 Uhr
Live: Erich Lesovsky (Stil vor Talent)
DJs: Chroma, Inexcess, David August (Stil vor Talent), Rave & Donald (, Geroe (HHV.DE Selected Store), Mihau
WEMOTO Graphic Exibition – Vernissage
Mi. 1.7.09 Berlin, HHV.DE Selected Store, 18 Uhr
Das Mainzer Fashion-Label kommt mit einer Ausstellung seiner liebsten T-Shirt-Graphics nach Berlin zu uns in den Store in der Revaler Str. 9. Zur Vernissage am 1.7. ab 18 Uhr werden die Macher hinter den Grafiken auch persönlich anwesend sein. The Smells sorgen hinter den Decks für elektronisches aus den Boxen und natürlich gibt es auch kühle Getränke und das eine oder andere Häppchen für euch!
Hip Hop-Culture & Street Arts Festival, Graz
"Hip Hop ist wesentlich mehr als nur eine Musikrichtung..." – seit 2006
stellt Four Elements diese These eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Ob Rap, DJing,
Graffiti oder Breakdance, vom 2. bis zum 5. Juli wird auch dieses Jahr mit
einem anspruchsvollen sowie unterhaltsamen Programm an fünf Locations
das Ineinandergreifen und Zusammenspiel der ursprünglichen Elemente der
Hip Hop-Kultur von über 120 Künstlern anschaulich gemacht.
Auszüge aus dem Lineup
Rap & DJing:
Kid Koala (CAN), TY (UK), AraByrd (MAL), Al Haca feat. Cee & Lil Monsta
(D/ESP/BRA), Fiva MC (D), Phekt (A), Jackmaster (UK) & many more.
Graffiti & Street Art:
Knox (USA), Tiki Jay (USA), Space11:34 (USA), B One (I), Fefe Talavera
(BRA), Bigups (A), Bande (A), Atzgerei (A), Ifos (A) & many more.
Breakdance & Workshops:
Flying Steps (GER), Recognize Crew (SRB), The Rock (SLO), 24-7 (A) &
many more.
Movies & Discussions:
"Bling: A Planet Rock" (USA/SLE), "Zenji Flava" (TAN), "The Lyfe" (USA), "New Voices – Hip Hop as the voice of a new generation" (KEN/UGA), "KRS One: Hip Hop Beyond Entertainment" (USA) & many more.
Mehr Details findest du unter
NYC Graff Exhibition... Whole In The Wall
Words and photos by George Koroneos
The largest graffiti exposition in years was launched in NYC on Thursday, as hundreds of street art fans and fine art collectors made the pilgrimage to a massive two-story gallery to pay tribute to the legendary graf artists from NYC and beyond.
The guest list was a who's who of the old school street art community - Blade, Haze, Daze, Blek Le name a living legend and they were probably there. It was so easy to play guess-the-writer that one almost forgot about the massive amount of art on display. Massive canvases covered in new and old school styles, real Porsche 911 hoods splattered in layers of acrylic adorned the walls, and life-size sculptures were mounted in the middle of the urban garden.
The event was created by Paris, France-based Helenbeck Gallery, run by two twin sisters that are passionate and wild about New York-style graffiti. The same show ran in Paris in November to acclaim reviews and sold out before it closed. It was so overwhelmingly successful that the gallery ran the show in Nice and now New York.
The rationale was simple. Since half the artists in the show are from Manhattan and they get so much attention in Europe, why not bring their work to their hometown with the same prestige and fanfare?
Of the 150 paintings, sculptures, and photos in the show, 50 were commissioned for Whole in the Wall and many of those were created on site. The crown jewel of the show is an installation of 17th century antique King Louie furniture with traditional graffiti art from the likes of Victor Ash and other street greats.
"Jean-Michel Basquiat was able to show that graffiti could be accepted by fine art galleries and that's what we are trying to do here," Curator Jean Gismondi told through a translator. "Nowadays the heirs to Basquiat and the followers of BLADE show that they are real artists. For example SHARP's inspiration comes from major artists in the Baroque style. Just look at Damien Hirst's diamond skull. That's a good example of how street artists can borrow from classic and make it new."
Whole In The Wall: 1970 – Now
Friday, May 29 to Saturday, June 27
Open 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays through Saturdays
529-535 W. 35th St. @ 11th Ave.
Blek le rat with fam
Martha Cooper and her oldschool backpiece
Legendary Lee
The largest graffiti exposition in years was launched in NYC on Thursday, as hundreds of street art fans and fine art collectors made the pilgrimage to a massive two-story gallery to pay tribute to the legendary graf artists from NYC and beyond.
The guest list was a who's who of the old school street art community - Blade, Haze, Daze, Blek Le name a living legend and they were probably there. It was so easy to play guess-the-writer that one almost forgot about the massive amount of art on display. Massive canvases covered in new and old school styles, real Porsche 911 hoods splattered in layers of acrylic adorned the walls, and life-size sculptures were mounted in the middle of the urban garden.
The event was created by Paris, France-based Helenbeck Gallery, run by two twin sisters that are passionate and wild about New York-style graffiti. The same show ran in Paris in November to acclaim reviews and sold out before it closed. It was so overwhelmingly successful that the gallery ran the show in Nice and now New York.
The rationale was simple. Since half the artists in the show are from Manhattan and they get so much attention in Europe, why not bring their work to their hometown with the same prestige and fanfare?
Of the 150 paintings, sculptures, and photos in the show, 50 were commissioned for Whole in the Wall and many of those were created on site. The crown jewel of the show is an installation of 17th century antique King Louie furniture with traditional graffiti art from the likes of Victor Ash and other street greats.
"Jean-Michel Basquiat was able to show that graffiti could be accepted by fine art galleries and that's what we are trying to do here," Curator Jean Gismondi told through a translator. "Nowadays the heirs to Basquiat and the followers of BLADE show that they are real artists. For example SHARP's inspiration comes from major artists in the Baroque style. Just look at Damien Hirst's diamond skull. That's a good example of how street artists can borrow from classic and make it new."
Whole In The Wall: 1970 – Now
Friday, May 29 to Saturday, June 27
Open 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesdays through Saturdays
529-535 W. 35th St. @ 11th Ave.
Retna (Juxtapoz #78) and The Mac don't waste any time. Fresh off a highly successful outdoor painting event in LA, the pair is working on yet another stunning collaborative mural.
"This is a painting Mac and I just did for an upcoming show we have in LA in the fall," writes Retna. " I shot the photo of model Marlena Posa and the rest is history."

"This is a painting Mac and I just did for an upcoming show we have in LA in the fall," writes Retna. " I shot the photo of model Marlena Posa and the rest is history."
čtvrtek 25. června 2009
SoulClap! Charts 07/09
Trevor & Lisa - Dance To The Drummers Beat /Favorite
Bahama Soul Club - Serious Soul /Buyu Records
The Perceptionists ft. Fred Wesley - Running The Risk /Freestyle
Randa & The Soul Kingdom - Not Gonna Let You /Freestyle
Selfmade Millionaire - Rockin & Poppin /Selfmade
The J.J. Band - J.J. Band /Sonorama
Chynna Blue & The Radek Azul Band - Work It /Q Sounds
Lee Fields & The Expressions - My World /Truth & Soul
Taggy Matcher - Sure Shot /Stix
Stevie Wonder - For Your Love /The Bombist
Selected by Marc Hype >
pondělí 22. června 2009
DISSIZIT! Soon in Czech Republic!
"DISSIZIT, DISSIZIT, DISSIZIT!" (THIS IS IT, THIS IS IT, THIS IS IT!) A quote from the documentary "Style Wars" was all SLICK needed to hear when he came up with the brand "DISSIZIT!" You can read it several different ways, but the way SLICK chooses to interpret the saying would be "this is it!", the final, the end, the shit, or that we've finally arrived. The designs are courtesy of O.G. graff legend "SLICK", who had his start airbrushing t-shirts on the shores of Waikiki and worked his way to Los Angeles.

SLICK is no stranger to the clothing game; for graffiti it was "Third Rail", for skaters and punks he did "Fuct Clothing", he brought you the Asian flavor with a street twist with "Shaolin Worldwide", and he has finally come full circle back to his graff roots with "DISSIZIT!"
SLICK's art has been featured in countless documentaries, magazines, music videos, feature films and even an album cover or two, most notably "The Bizarre Ride to the Pharcyde". For more on SLICK's art, check out, or on a train or wall near you.
It's difficult to track the direction of the brand because SLICK likes to change things up every couple of months. He likes to keep things interesting and fuck with what's hot that particular moment, and flipping it, but never straying too far from the graff. The brand is geared toward graff artists, as well as graff enthusiasts. Because of the countless t-shirt companies popping up worldwide, "DISSIZIT!" has decided to give back to the consumers by offering graffiti collectables with every tee purchase, as a token of appreciation for their support.
"DISSIZIT!" is still a relatively small operation, but they are able to stay below the radar and flip new products every couple of months, unlike the bigger companies who are locked in a particular trend and has to deal with seasons and trade shows. SLICK says that sometimes it's difficult to come up with dope shit every couple of months, just to have the bigger dogs come down and swoop to make a killing. Still "DISSIZIT!" continues to grow at a steady pace, unaffected by this unforgiving industry where brands pop up and disappear every day, "DISSIZIT!" is here to stay.
"DISSIZIT!" makes a sweet ass spraycan plushy. Don't sleep on these cats! Everything is limited, so if you get it, cool, if you don't, ya snoozed. Don't trip though if you miss a release, you can probably get something similar soon after from one of the hundreds of whack ass brands in stores everywhere.

SLICK is no stranger to the clothing game; for graffiti it was "Third Rail", for skaters and punks he did "Fuct Clothing", he brought you the Asian flavor with a street twist with "Shaolin Worldwide", and he has finally come full circle back to his graff roots with "DISSIZIT!"
SLICK's art has been featured in countless documentaries, magazines, music videos, feature films and even an album cover or two, most notably "The Bizarre Ride to the Pharcyde". For more on SLICK's art, check out, or on a train or wall near you.
It's difficult to track the direction of the brand because SLICK likes to change things up every couple of months. He likes to keep things interesting and fuck with what's hot that particular moment, and flipping it, but never straying too far from the graff. The brand is geared toward graff artists, as well as graff enthusiasts. Because of the countless t-shirt companies popping up worldwide, "DISSIZIT!" has decided to give back to the consumers by offering graffiti collectables with every tee purchase, as a token of appreciation for their support.
"DISSIZIT!" is still a relatively small operation, but they are able to stay below the radar and flip new products every couple of months, unlike the bigger companies who are locked in a particular trend and has to deal with seasons and trade shows. SLICK says that sometimes it's difficult to come up with dope shit every couple of months, just to have the bigger dogs come down and swoop to make a killing. Still "DISSIZIT!" continues to grow at a steady pace, unaffected by this unforgiving industry where brands pop up and disappear every day, "DISSIZIT!" is here to stay.
"DISSIZIT!" makes a sweet ass spraycan plushy. Don't sleep on these cats! Everything is limited, so if you get it, cool, if you don't, ya snoozed. Don't trip though if you miss a release, you can probably get something similar soon after from one of the hundreds of whack ass brands in stores everywhere.

neděle 21. června 2009
Street art and the Iranian struggle…
Everyone around the world knows that street art can have a profound effect on the society that surrounds it. Whether it’s art during our own presidential election in the U.S. or the powerful images that artists have posted in Israel and Palestine - namely during projects like Santa’s Ghetto in Bethlehem - feelings portrayed here make the events that swirl around the art even more powerful. Nowadays, most of you should know that street art can make the world go ’round, and vice versa.
That said, a lot of art has been popping up on the streets of Iran as the people there struggle for their votes and their right to be heard. (As you know, we’re big supporters of the cause.) Below are some images that have been seen on the streets of Iran this week, nod to Andrew Sullivan and FryingPanFire. We don’t know who the artists are, but major props to those involved. More pictures and info in the below links.

Links to check:
That said, a lot of art has been popping up on the streets of Iran as the people there struggle for their votes and their right to be heard. (As you know, we’re big supporters of the cause.) Below are some images that have been seen on the streets of Iran this week, nod to Andrew Sullivan and FryingPanFire. We don’t know who the artists are, but major props to those involved. More pictures and info in the below links.
Links to check:
čtvrtek 18. června 2009

Michael "Iz the Wiz" Martin was from the New York borough of Queens. Beginning in 1972, he became a long reigning All-City king of New York known primarily for his quick, simple two letter tag, Iz represented a new breed of fame-obsessed writers concerned with finding the perfect balance between quantity and quality. He was also featured in the 1983 documentary Style Wars.
From years of using toxic aerosol products without any type of protective mask, Iz was diagnosed with kidney failure in 1996. In early 2000, in an interview for Style Wars revisited, he commented that he would give up all his past fame for full health. In August of 2003 he held a gallery showcasing his legal artwork in New York.
IZ also had his art cameoed in the game: Marc Ecko's Getting Up. He painted for a variety of top level crews - served as president of The Master Blasters (TMB) and as a member of RTW. He has also painted for The Odd Partners, The Crew, The Three Yard Boys and other crews too numerous to mention. He will be sadly missed but not forgotten.
After struggling with kidney failure for many years, Iz The Wiz passed away on the 18th of June, 2009.
Michael "Iz the Wiz" Martin was from the New York borough of Queens. Beginning in 1972, he became a long reigning All-City king of New York known primarily for his quick, simple two letter tag, Iz represented a new breed of fame-obsessed writers concerned with finding the perfect balance between quantity and quality. He was also featured in the 1983 documentary Style Wars.
From years of using toxic aerosol products without any type of protective mask, Iz was diagnosed with kidney failure in 1996. In early 2000, in an interview for Style Wars revisited, he commented that he would give up all his past fame for full health. In August of 2003 he held a gallery showcasing his legal artwork in New York.
IZ also had his art cameoed in the game: Marc Ecko's Getting Up. He painted for a variety of top level crews - served as president of The Master Blasters (TMB) and as a member of RTW. He has also painted for The Odd Partners, The Crew, The Three Yard Boys and other crews too numerous to mention. He will be sadly missed but not forgotten.
After struggling with kidney failure for many years, Iz The Wiz passed away on the 18th of June, 2009.
neděle 14. června 2009
pátek 12. června 2009
Picasso Sketchbook Stolen

A sketchbook containing pencil drawings of Pablo Picasso has been stolen from the Picasso National Museum in Paris, France. The book, believed to be worth approximately US$11 million, contains 33 sketches that were drawn between 1917 and 1924 when the artist was in his late 30s and early 40s. The sketchbook was housed in a locked glass case. However, police say the museum’s surveillance system was not active when it was stolen sometime between Monday and Tuesday. The book has a red cover with the word “Album” inscribed on it in gold...

úterý 9. června 2009
Pražská galerie a občasný klub ve vysočanské Trafačce pořádá nejen vzhledem ke 4. narozeninám Graffnecku v sobotu 20. června 2009 graffiti jam a koncertní večírek.
Program v industriální hale zahájí ve 13:00 exhibice předních českých writerů na venkovní fasádě Trafačky za doprovodu Djs a následovat bude v přilehlé galerii od 19:00 vernisáž výstavy s názvem Writerz za hranicemi graffiti, kde se bude prezentovat desítka streetartistů v čele s Pointem, Biorem, Pastou, Wladimírem 518, Tronem, Eposem, X-Dogem, Kewem, Todeym a dalšími.
Večerní koncert bude od 20:00 hod. ve jménu Wladimíra 518, Huga Toxxxe a LA4, obohacený o laser graffiti sketch show, následovat bude djs show, kde zahrají Double J, Noir, Rower, Layup a Pasta.
Po dobu celého večera poběží v chillout koutku v suterénu projekce širokého výběru z historie českých graffiti videí a slideshow fotek.
Na místě Vas obslouží Boiler bar včetne jídla, k dispozici bude i Graffneck shop.
Mediální partneři:,,,, Radio 1, Radio Spin
Traffo Jam dále podpořili: Carhartt,, Growshop, Represent, Horsefeathers, Red bull, Desperado
Plánované vstupné: 100 Kč
Trafačka, Kurta Konráda 1, Praha 9 (vedle O2 areny)
Spojení tram 3 na zast. Ocelářská, metro B zast. Českomoravská
čtvrtek 4. června 2009
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