Dear DJ's, beatheads and music lovers,
MPM proudly presents:
The remix competition - Marc Hype & Jim Dunloop: Al Naafiysh
Remix Al Naafiysh (The Soul)
from Marc Hype & Jim Dunloop's new 12" Rare Occasion / Al Naafisyh (The Soul) (out now on 12" and digital).
The track is a cover version of Hashim's electro classic from 1983. All styles are welcome.
How to do it:
1. Download the remix package
2. Do your thing
3. Upload your remix (no mp3s mails please) and mail the link to Julian. julian (at) mpmsite.com
4. Marc, Jim and MPM will choose the best versions.
5. Depending on how dope the mixes are, we will release the three best versions digital or on vinyl.
Deadline: November, 27
Stamp Out Reality, the new album by Marc & Jim is in stores on November 6.
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